Dental Bonding Tracy, CA
Repair defects and gaps in your teeth.
Here at Tracy Dental Excellence our doctors can use a tooth-like substance to change tooth shape or color, increase size if you have gaps, or repair a defect. Bonding is a multi-layered process which durable, enamel-like composite plastic is applied to the tooth, then exposed to a special light to harden or “cure” the bond. The results can be miraculous!
Skill, technology, and a little “magic”.
With the wonderful age of dental bonding, teeth can be made healthy and beautiful in most cases without multiple appointments, anesthesia, temporaries and at less expense than crowns.
Magic? Not really.
Bonding techniques have been around for years, and improvements in dental materials have made it one of the most effective and versatile treatments in dentistry.
Bonding is a procedure in which a white composite resin is applied to the natural outer surface of the tooth. The tooth is first polished, then “conditioned” by painting a clear solution on the surface. The final composite (tooth-colored) material sticks to the conditioning solution, and is cured with a high intensity light that hardens the bond in seconds.
Presto, chango!
Bonding works its real magic repairing chipped teeth and filling diastemata, or spaces between front teeth. Here at Tracy Dental Excellence we can also change the shape of teeth to make crooked or uneven teeth straighter.
What about color?
Our doctors can match the color of your existing teeth, or go as bright and dazzling as you wish.
Bonding works best on low-stress areas of the mouth. It’s not a cure-all for every dental problem, but in most cases it can improve your smile in almost no time. Give Tracy Dental Excellence a call at (209) 834-8524 if you’re interested, chances are we can work some magic on your smile!